You Can Now Buy Crocs for Your Dogs

Crocs may be the most divisive footwear in the world; people tend to either love ’em or hate ’em.

But no matter how you feel about the aesthetic, you have to admit—Crocs are downright comfortable. And so functional! They’ve got it all: arch support, room to wiggle your toes, marshmallow-light material, and the ability to get wet and muddy without totally ruining the shoe. Aside from the style factor, which may be… subjective… at best, these things are the ultimate dog park shoe. Whether you splash in a puddle or step on an unexpected pile of poo while playing fetch, the easy-to-wash material won’t let you down: just grab the hose and you’re good to go.

If only there were a way to share your love of the perfect dog park shoe with your favorite canine companion! OH WAIT, THERE IS. Now you can share your love of the uber-functional, easy-to-wash, brightly colored rubber clogs with your dog via these hilarious matching dog crocs. I think it’s safe to say that none of our lives will ever be the same after this discovery.

OK, they’re not really the same brand as the iconic Croc shoe for humans. But these croc-style shoes for dogs look just like the real things, only tiny for Fido’s feet. They come in a pair or quad style, depending on how you want to style them. Front paws only? Back paws only? All four? Different colors for every foot? Choose your own adventure here—the sky is truly the limit.

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